Entertainment Weekly
Rockers of a certain age love PJ soles, the pixie-cute Stripes star best known as Riff Randell, the teen leader of the Ramones revolution in Rock 'n Roll High School. But Scott Lucas, the 33-year-old frontman for Local H, an Illinois-based grunge band that popped big with 1996's As Good as Dead - loves her so much he wrote "PJ Soles" the best song on H's new album, Whatever Happened to PJ Soles? (in stores April 6). "She's PJ Soles, what can you say?" explains Lucas, a fan of Soles' work in Halloween ("I must've seen it a million times at this point"), who named the album "partly out of tribute, and partly because there's this whole VH1 where-are-they-now culture that makes me sick." So, okay, we get the ironic commentary of the title and all, but we're still awfully curious: Whatever did happen to PJ Soles? "It is a good question, because I ask it all the time," jokes Soles, reached by phone at her Los Angeles home. "Whatever happened to my career?" The mother of two (and ex-wife of Dennis Quaid) says she's "totally honored" to be the album's muse, and adds that she gets the adoring-young-male-fan thing all the time. "Now, if only someone like a Quentin Tarantino would be in love with me," she laughs.
Gregory Kirschling